#<------------------------------- Environment Variables ------------------------------->#
## To see the value of any environment variable, use the echo command. For example, to view the value of the variable $EDITOR, run the following command:
echo $EDITOR
If it's set, the shell will print the value, such as "vim", but if it's empty, it will just print a blank line.
set <===> To see all the currently set environment variables
export EDITOR='vim' <===> Now your editor will be Vim or whatever text editor you have in this session and every subshell it launches. If you want to keep your environment variables among different shell sessions, define them in your shell's startup files
echo $PATH <===> ukaze jiz existujici PATH
PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/novy-programek/bin <===> prida novy-programek do $PATH
echo $PATH <===> overime zda pribila cesta k programku existujicihp PATH
export PATH <===> vyexportujeme znovu cestu
novy-programek.sh <===> kdekoli zadame nazev programku - mel by se spustit