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Server Address:

Diaeresis německo?? admin serveru Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

Keihdra, Romania žena??

Billr, Tampa Florida USA, kamaráda Honzu má z čech

Niceride, Tahoe Baxin Nevada/California USA,  Shadow AI6FS@bridge, drak Mugatu,

PeterisU1, latvian, ma syna Edgars00 (8let) Litva
Slave1 stejnej jako PeterisU1 / {Slave1} I am sorry Keihdra if you did not knew i am PeterisU1
kuka: zrejme ten samej hrac co je PeterisU1
sami88super je nejspise syn peterise

Moggy_Manacat [base 674,3,1638].. (247,32,2005)

ES [base -4452,216,2511]

Cash I'm American, my parents are Haitian though so


Hoff, Pennsylvania, [base 50,11,552] hraje 10 let, na serveru YourLand ma nick DrakeSlayer

marghl nemecko?

dark-knight from asia, programer, adult, bangladesh

Gold: Portugese

EvilRevised: zrejme nemecko

godslayer i use to play as SEBAASTAIN [base 2082,4,2409]

ninja9 [base 1927,12,2541]

Kaiser [base -478,179,757]

McNaderz im justa meat cutter (-2806,-1098,-235) (-2816,-1091,-229) (-2820,-1090,-230) (-2814,-316,-257)
2024_09_21, 22:10:25  *** McNaderz is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!

LogyBear is one of kids - he is still learning to read
piplupman is the other
nyanava wont be on for 2 more weeks
dad owns his own construction company

DEadman227 (-2741,-956,-210) (-2734,-576,-210) zrejme bratr McNaderz
2024_09_21, 03:29:48 *** DEadman227 is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!

dkelley810, base (-1302,6,357) real name Dennis Kelley

Supercheese (aka underscore)
TripleR nejspise stejny hrac jako underscore
2024_12_23, 04:13:55 - 🤖: [Mt] <!> *** TripleR is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!
underscore [base (683,28,-1696)] nejspise stejny hrac jako TripleR
RvnsRndrRnch nejspise stejny hrac jako underscore
2024_12_23, 04:07:38 *** RvnsRndrRnch is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!

Mototank aka Moto aka Takamoto
vsechno jeden hrac

CryptCreeper (888,4,818)

MaschinenGuru2, nemecko base nejspis (-2004,-862,721) 

2024_12_01, 10:51:08 *** Ozmodiar is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!




minetest --server <===> spusti server s defaultnim svetem (~/.minetest/worlds/world)
minetest --server --worldname MichaluvSvet <===> spusti svet nahrany v (~/.minetest/worlds/MichaluvSvet)
minetest --server --help <===> spusti help pro minetest server
minetest --server --config ~/.minetest/minetest2.conf<===> spusti MT s jinymi configuraky nez jsou bezne tj nespusti minetest.conf ale minetest2.conf
minetest --speedtests <===> vypis o serveru
minetest --terminal<===> spusti server MT kde lze zadavat prikazy z terminalove radky CLI
minetest --server --worldname MichaluvSvet --config ~/.minetest/minetest2.conf --terminal<===> spusti MT server vse v jednom

teleport @nearest -1265.1, 15.5, 512.2
@nearest, @farthest, and @random are placed by the the respective player names


/help all <===> dostupne prikazy/help all

/shutdown <===> schodi server
/admin <===> ukaze kdo je admin tohoto serveru
/status <===> zjisti verzi MT, uptime, max-lag, kolik hracu je ve hre
/days <===> zjisti kolik dni uplynulo ve hre
/mods <===> zjisti jake mody jsou nahrane
/set <variable> <===> Shows the value of the given server <variable> (→minetest.conf)
/set <variable> <new value> <===> Sets the existing server <variable> to the given <new value>
/time 7:00 <===> nastavim server (cas ve hre) primo na 7hod rano (0:00-23:59)
/time 6000 <===>  nastavim server (cas ve hre) primo na 6hod rano (0-24000)
/set -n time_speed <speed> <===>  Sets the speed of day/night cycle where <speed> is the time speed (read as “<speed> times faster than in real life”). 72 is the default, which means a day-night cycle lasts 20 minutes by default. Requires the “server” privilege
revoke Michal fly <===>  melo by odebrat prava Michal k letani
revoke Michal all <===>  melo by odebrat VSECHNA prava uzivateli Michal
revokeme fly <===>  melo by mi odebrat prava k letani
revokeme all <===>  melo by mi odebrat VSECHNA prava
deleteblocks here 9 <===>  v okruhu 9 bloku odemne ZRESETUJE prostredi do standardniho vzhledu (zasype vykopane jamy , postaven veci atd)


You just need to put the mods into the mods directory (`~/.minetest/mods` for system-wide installs, `<mtdir>/mods` for run-in-place builds).

You then need to enable them by editing `<worlddir>/`. If you have a mod named `foo`, then you add the following line to ``:

load_mod_foo = true

Alternatively, install the mods into `<worlddir>/worldmods` and they will be available automatically without the need to enable them individually.





utilita na nákres (po jednotlivých vrstvách), jak vymodelovat kouli v minetestu


Editing the server settings:
In order to customise the server you need to change the settings. Just copy these settings into your minetest.config file and set them to what you like.

server_announce = true <===> Do you want the server will appear on the public server list at

server_name = Minetest Server <===> What do you want the name of the server to be?

server_address = *** <===> The address of the server. You can leave this blank unless you are using a sub-domain or a domain.

port = 30000 <===> The port which the server will listen on. This will be the same port you forwarded.
server_url = <===> If you have a webpage or forum thread, you can put the link here.
server_description = Join this amazing server! <===> A short description of the server.
motd = Welcome to this amazing minetest server! <===> Message of the day. Shown in the chat when someone joins.
enable_pvp = false <===> Do you want to disable PvP? By default, PvP is enabled, which means players can hurt and kill each other using melee weapons.
enable_damage = true <===> Do you want people to die or be immortal?
creative_mode = false <===> If set to true players will have an infinite amount of items (creative mode).
max_users = 15 <===> Maximum amount of users who can join the server at a time. Adjust depending on your bandwidth, CPU and RAM available.
enable_rollback_recording = true <===> Enable rollback functions (can slow down the server)
mg_flags = trees, caves, v6_biome_blend, v6_jungles, dungeons <===> Map generation stuff
disallow_empty_password = true <===> Stop players from connecting with an empty password.
static_spawnpoint = 0, 16, 0 <===> Where new players will spawn and where players will re-spawn after death. If no static spawn point is set, then players will have a slightly randomized spawn location.

/admin: Show the name of the server owner
/auth_reload: Reload authentication data
/ban [<name>]: Ban the IP of a player or show the ban list
/clearinv [<name>]: Clear the inventory of yourself or another player
/clearobjects [full | quick]: Clear all objects in world
/clearpassword <name>: Set empty password for a player
/days: Show day count since world creation
/deleteblocks (here [<radius>]) | (<pos1> <pos2>): Delete map blocks contained in area pos1 to pos2 (<pos1> and <pos2> must be in parentheses)
/emergeblocks (here [<radius>]) | (<pos1> <pos2>): Load (or, if nonexistent, generate) map blocks contained in area pos1 to pos2
(<pos1> and <pos2> must be in parentheses)
/fixlight (here [<radius>]) | (<pos1> <pos2>): Resets lighting in the area between pos1 and pos2 (<pos1> and <pos2> must be in parentheses)
/give <name> <ItemString> [<count> [<wear>]]: Give item to player
/giveme <ItemString> [<count> [<wear>]]: Give item to yourself
/grant <name> (<privilege> [, <privilege2> [<...>]] | all): Give privileges to player
/grantme <privilege> [, <privilege2> [<...>]] | all: Grant privileges to yourself
/haspriv <privilege>: Return list of all online players with privilege
/help [all | privs | <cmd>] [-t]: Get help for commands or list privileges (-t: output in chat)
/home: Teleport you to your home point
/kick <name> [<reason>]: Kick a player
/kill [<name>]: Kill player or yourself
/killme: Kill yourself to respawn
/last-login [<name>]: Get the last login time of a player or yourself
/me <action>: Show chat action (e.g., '/me orders a pizza' displays '<player name> orders a pizza')
/mods: List mods installed on the server
/msg <name> <message>: Send a direct message to a player
/privs [<name>]: Show privileges of yourself or another player
/pulverize: Destroy item in hand
/remove_player <name>: Remove a player's data
/revoke <name> (<privilege> [, <privilege2> [<...>]] | all): Remove privileges from player
/revokeme <privilege> [, <privilege2> [<...>]] | all: Revoke privileges from yourself
/rollback (<name> [<seconds>]) | (:<actor> [<seconds>]): Revert actions of a player. Default for <seconds> is 60. Set <seconds> to
inf for no time limit
/rollback_check [<range>] [<seconds>] [<limit>]: Check who last touched a node or a node near it within the time specified by
<seconds>. Default: range = 0, seconds = 86400 = 24h, limit = 5. Set <seconds> to inf for no time limit
/set ([-n] <name> <value>) | <name>: Set or read server configuration setting
/sethome: Set your home point
/setpassword <name> <password>: Set player's password
/shutdown [<delay_in_seconds> | -1] [-r] [<message>]: Shutdown server (-1 cancels a delayed shutdown, -r allows players to reconnect)
/spawnentity <EntityName> [<X>,<Y>,<Z>]: Spawn entity at given (or your) position
/status: Show server status
/teleport <X>,<Y>,<Z> | <to_name> | <name> <X>,<Y>,<Z> | <name> <to_name>: Teleport to position or player
/time [<0..23>:<0..59> | <0..24000>]: Show or set time of day
/unban <name> | <IP_address>: Remove IP ban belonging to a player/IP

#<------------------------------------ ------------------------------------>#


1) musime povolit mod v souboru ~/.minetest/worlds/michaluvsvet/ napriklad inverntar mod takto:
load_mod_unified_invertory = true

2) nahrat celou slozku z databazea nahrat slozku do ~/.minetest/mods napriklad takto:



You just need to put the mods into the mods directory (`~/.minetest/mods` for system-wide installs, `<mtdir>/mods` for run-in-place builds).

You then need to enable them by editing `<worlddir>/`. If you have a mod named `foo`, then you add the following line to ``:

load_mod_foo = true

Alternatively, install the mods into `<worlddir>/worldmods` and they will be available automatically without the need to enable them individually.


3d_armor, 3d_armor_sfinv, 3d_armor_stand, 3d_armor_ui, beds, binoculars, boats, bones, bucket, butterflies, carts, creative,
default, doors, dungeon_loot, dye, env_sounds, farming, fire, fireflies, flowers, game_commands, give_initial_stuff, keys, map,
mtg_craftguide, player_api, screwdriver, sethome, sfinv, shields, spawn, stairs, tnt, unified_inventory, vessels, walls, weather,
wool, xpanes



všechny příkazy se zadávají lomítkem / (pro vstup do konzole lze také zmáčknout F10)
když držíme louč/světlo/baloon - osvětluje se okoli
pod vodou se dá dýchat pokud se pouzijí dvě louče nad sebou / i dvere odpudí vodu / nebo kamenné schody 2x nad sebou

/time <===> zjisti aktualni čas
/time 5000 <===> nastaví ráno - při nastavovaní jsou hodnoty 0-24000
/privs <===> zjistí vaše privilegia
/mods <===> ukáže nahrané MODy
/news <===> command it will show URL for where to connect this matrix
/log <===> list of death bones - seznam míst úmrtí

/sethome <===> Sets your current position as your “home point”. Requires the “home” privilege
/home <===> Teleports yourself to your “home point”. This command does not work if you haven’t set your “home point” yet, set it with /sethome first. Requires the “home” privilege

/grantme all <===> povoli mit /delat vse
/grantme position <===> ???
/grantme teleport <===> mužete se přemisťovat svobodně
/grantme Martin teleport <===> ???
/grantme settime <===> povoli nastavovani denni doby
/grantme {player} fly <===> dovoli uzivateli Martin litani
/grantme {player} fast <===> dovoli uzivatli byt rychlejsi
/grant <player> <privilege> <===> Gives the <privilege> to <player>
/grant <player> all <===> Give all available privileges to <player>
/grantme <privilege> <===> Give <privilege> to yourself
/grantme all <===> Gives all privilege to yourself
/revoke <player> <privilege> <===> Takes away a <privilege> from <player>
/revoke <player> all <===> Takes away as many privileges as possible from <player>
/revokeme <privilege> <===> Takes away a <privilege> from yourself
/revokeme all <===> Takes away as many privileges as possible from you

/kick <player name> [<reason>] <===> Kicks the player with the name <player name>. Optionally a <reason> can be provided in text-form. This text is also shown to the kicked player.
/ban <===> show list of banned players
/ban <player name> <===> Ban IP of player
/unban <player name> <===> Remove ban of player with the specified name
/unban <IP address> <===> Remove ban of player with the specified IP address

/clearobjects [full|quick] <===> Clears objects/entities (removes dropped items, mobs and possibly more) on the server. In “quick” mode (default), objects in loaded mapblocks are removed immediately, while other objects are removed when the mapblock they're in is loaded. In “full” mode, all objects are cleared. Quick mode is very fast, but the full mode may slow down the server to a crawl for 10 to more than 60 seconds or even freeze it.

/time <hours>:<minutes> <===> Sets the time of day in the 24-hour format (0:00-23:59). Requires the “settime” privilege. Precede the time with a tilde for a relative time change.
/time <time_of_day> <===> Sets the time of day as a number between 0 and 24000 (see time of day). Requires the “settime” privilege. Supports relative number syntax with ~ (see above).
/set -n time_speed <speed> <===> Sets the speed of day/night cycle where <speed> is the time speed (read as “<speed> times faster than in real life”). 72 is the default, which means a day-night cycle lasts 20 minutes by default. Requires the “server” privilege
/spawnentity <entity> [<X>,<Y>,<Z>] <===> Spawns an entity of type <entity> (see List of entity names) near your position or at the X,Y,Z coordinates, if specified. Requires “give” and “interact” privileges. The coordinates support relative values with ~ (see above)

/coords <===> vypise pozici hrace
/location jmenohrace <===> vypise pozici hrace (nutno odszkouset)

/teleport <x>,<y>,<z> <===> přesune mě na pozici X,Y,Z (nejde zadavat cislo 4???)
/teleport Jana Martin <===> přesune uživatele Jana k uživateli Martin
/help all <===> Lists the available commands—depending on your privileges—on the server and a short description and syntax reference to each one
/help privs <===> Lists all privileges on the server that could possibly be granted to players and shows a short description about each of them
/haspriv {privilege} <===> List all online players that have the specified privilege
/msg {hrac} {message} <===> Send a direct message <message> to <player>; but not to the other players.
/bring <===> ???
/sethome <===> nastavi bod navratu??
/status <===> zjisti verzi hry, uptime, lagy, hrace pripojeqne do hry
/killme <===> zabijete se / Kill player or yourself. Requires “server” privilege
/kill {hrac} <===> zabije jineho hrace


/give {player} {itemstring} [{count} [{wear}]] <===> Give the specified item (see Itemstrings) {count} times (default: 1) to the player. Requires the “give” privilege
/give {hrac} book <===> prida hráči hrac do inventaře objekt kniha - je potreba mit povoleni give
/giveme steel_ingot 80 <===> přidá hráči 80ks ocelového ingotu
/giveme default:torch <===> Gives you a torch
/give Peter default:cobble 50 <===> Gives Peter 50 cobblestone
/give Peter beds:fancy_bed_bottom 2 <===> Da Petrovi 2 postele
/give Peter default:tree 99 <===> Da Petrovi 99 kmenu ze dreva
/give Peter default:steel_ingot 99 <===> Da Petrovi 99 ocelovych ingotu
/giveme default:pick_steel 1 16383 <===> Gives you a steel pickaxe which is about 25% worn-off
/giveme default:sword_diamond <===> dá hráči do inventáře diamantový meč
/giveme default:coalblock 9 <===> dá hráči do inventáře 9 uhlí
/giveme default:pick_diamond <===> dá hráči do inventáře diamantový krumpáč
/giveme default:shovel_diamond <===> dá hráči do inventáře diamantovou lopatu
/giveme unified_inventory:bag_large <===> dá hráči do inventáře velky batoh

/setpassword <player> <password> <===> Sets password of <player> to <password>
/clearpassword <player> <===> Makes password of <player> empty



Move mouse <===> Look around
W, A, S, D <===> Move
Space <===> Jump/move up
Shift <===> Sneak/move down
Q <===> Drop itemstack
Shift + Q <===> Drop single item
Left mouse button <===> Dig/punch/use
Right mouse button <===> Place/use
Shift + right mouse button <===> Build (without using)
I <===> Inventory menu
Mouse wheel <===> Select item
0-9 <===> Select item
Z <===> Zoom (needs zoom privilege)
T <===> Chat
/ <===> Command
Esc <===> Pause menu/abort/exit (pauses only singleplayer game)
+ <===> Increase view range
- <===> Decrease view range
K <===> Enable/disable fly mode (needs fly privilege)
J <===> Enable/disable fast mode (needs fast privilege)
H <===> Enable/disable noclip mode (needs noclip privilege)
E <===> Aux1 (Move fast in fast mode. Games may add special features)
C <===> Cycle through camera modes
V <===> Cycle through minimap modes
Shift + V <===> Change minimap orientation
F1 <===> Hide/show HUD
F2 <===> Hide/show chat
F3 <===> Disable/enable fog
F4 <===> Disable/enable camera update (Mapblocks are not updated anymore when disabled, disabled in release builds)
F5 <===> Cycle through debug information screens
F6 <===> Cycle through profiler info screens
F10 <===> Show/hide console
F12 <===> Take screenshot



default:water (dynamic sea water) is dangerous item, so its good replace it two river water

each protector protects a 11x11x11 cube 

vzácný objekt který teleportuje na místo posledního spánku. pokud jsme ale postel na ktere jsme naposledy spali znicili, premisti nas to na spawn

careful inside since it emits radiation, you could die
it basically teleports you to a location depending on the block placements
you can build a meseport by placing a mese block and stacking electrum, diamond and/or silver blocks against it. when you hit the mese block, it will teleport you by the number of blocks placed in each direction. electrum weights 100, diamond blocks 10 and silver is 1
build meseports for fast transport, they are quite expensive to construct however
silver blocks are for fine tuning the displacement by single steps, diamond blocks and electrum work as usual
Moves you when you punch a mese block.
shift inhibits teleport
a lot of the danger from radiation with diamonds and particularly electrum in meseports is their radiation amplification effect. It's very deadly if you stand in line with the array, but is otherwise quite manageable with some shielding
suggestion, add protector blocks to block radiation same as metal block. Cons are it is cheaper than a Gold Block so balance is weird, Pros are tin (and other common metal) blocks are easier to obtain so maybe not a balance issue anyways. Reasoning is that a protector block should not be the reason that stops creating shielding structure around meseport build

(X=341 Z=341)

BLIMP (vzducholoď)

/blimp_share <jmeno> <===> lze povolit někomu abych ho svezl
/blimp_remove <jmeno> <===> lze zakázat někomu aby se svezl
/blimp_list  <===> seznam majitelů
/blimp_lock true  <===> omezí přístup na vzducholoď cizým osobám (jen majitel může vstoupit)
/blimp_lock false  <===> povolí cizím přístup na vzducholoď
info: všichni povolení vlastníci mají přístup do inventáře vzducholodi

pro let vzducholodi je potřeba palivo a voda v nádrži. Palivo může být uhlí, blok uhlí nebo dřevo. K dodání je potřeba být na palubě a uhodit s věcí do vzducholodi. Další způsob načepování vody do lodi je přistání na vodě a nalouduje se v menu (ale ztratí se tím tlak)

right click to enter and access menu
punch with dye to paint
forward and backward while in drive position: controls the power lever
left and right while in drive position: controls the direction
jump and sneak: controls the up and down movement
E + right click while inside: acess inventory
E + backward while in drive position: the machine does backward
E + foward while in drive position: extra power

As the planes, punch a dye against the hull, so the primary color will change
To change the secondary color, punch a dye, but holding Aux (E) key.
It is possible to set a logo on your blimp, so enter inside it and type the command /blimp_logo
Only the original owner can do the paintings

Drive it gently. The captain can leave the drive position to walk too
If a player goes timeout or logoff in flight, the blimp will "rescue" him if no other player
enter the blimp, so is a good idea wait the friend at a secure place far from anyone who
wants to enter the blimp.
It can carry 5 people.
To fly it, it is necessary to provide some items, such as fuel to be burned and
water for the boiler. The fuel can be coal, coal block and wood. To supply it,
be on board and punch the necessary items on the airship. There is another way to
load water to the boiler: if it is landed on water, it can load it through the
menu. But the current pressure will be lost.
Activate the furnace in the first option of the menu. Take control by activating
the option "Take the Control".
The information panel will be on the left and bottom of the screen. Wait for the
boiler to reach the proper pressure for operation (green) before operating the power lever.
To go up, press Jump (space). Note that it takes some pressure from the boiler. To go down,
hold sneak (shift).
Forward increases the propeller power, Backward reduces. To go reverse, hold aux (E key)
and backward together. There is a power mode. When the lever reaches the up limit, hold E
and forward to increase the acceleration. But note that the boiler will lose pressure.
The blimp inventory can be accessed by Aux (E) + rightclick.

#<------------------------------------ ------------------------------------>#

ALT+F11 nebo ALT+F10 <===> fullscreen
K <===> lítání po mapě
J <===> zrychlení lítání/chůze
V <===> mapa
C <===> přepíná pohledy na postavu
F1 <===> HUD
F2 <===> Chat
F3 <===> Fog / mlha
F4 <===> Disable Camera Update
F5 <===> Debug Info
F6 <===> Show Profiler
F10 <===> console
-/+ <===> snižuje/zvyšuje vzdálenost dohledu
SHIFT <===> seskočení z draka!!

MEDUNA settings

setup-mt <===> compile minetest and clone minetest_game in version specified in the config-file (without updating modifications in case of update)

git-push <===> simple script to push changes to repo without config-file(use only with first parameter with commit message)

mods-apply..... <===> apply mods from repo directory and regenerate

mods-download <===> refresh mods directory from master repositories

mods-list <===> list of enabled mods for configuration

reset-all..... <===> reset all game databases/foder, and refresh it from repo directory

reset-map-and-players <===> reset map and players databases

WYPAD BASE (Wyvern pad)

niceride sealevel X=300 Z=300

/factions join 2B nejake-tajne-heslo <===> pripoji hrace do budovani 2B

/factions leave 2B <===> odpoji hrace z teamu 2B

/factions info 2B <===> vypise info, kdo vsechno je v teamu 2B

/last-login Martin  <===> vypise kdy naposled se připojil hráč Martin

/help factions  <===> help


Portal param2 arrangement (viewed while facing North)

 7 12 16  6
 0        0
 0        0
 0        0
 4 16 12  5

2B structure param2 values (viewed while facing North)

            5  5 11  9  9  7  7
        18 12                 9  7
     18 12                       9 14
     18                            14
     12                            16
     12              P             18
     14              R             18
     16                            12
     16  7                      18 12
         9  7                18 12
            9  9  7  7  5 11 11

approximate guess is 22 obsidian full-block glass per layer