gpicview <===> prohlizec obrazku - rychly a jednoduchy
gthumb <===> prohlizec obrazku s nahledy a i umi upravovat hromadne obrazky
ksnip <===> super program na típnutí obrazovky
imagemagick <===> apt-get install imagemagick
#<------------------------------- PNG prevod do PDF ------------------------------->#
convert xyz.png xyz.pdf <===> prevede obrazek na pdf
convert *.png mydoc.pdf <===> prevede vice obrazku do solo pdf
!!Pozor pokud nejde PDF z vice obrazku tvorit tak zjistit verzi Ghostscript (gs --version) Make sure you have Ghostscript ≥9.24 pokud je vetsi nez 9.24 tak muzu smazat v souboru </etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml> vse pod titulkem
<!-- disable ghostscript format types --> a NEBO zakomentovat vse co je pod titulkem <!-- disable ghostscript format types -->..
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" />
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="XPS" />
pote by melo jit PDF z vicero fotek tvorit!!
#<------------------------------- PDF prevod do JPG ------------------------------->#
convert -density 500 input.pdf output.jpg <===> prevedeni z pdf do jpg ve vyssi kvalite
convert input.pdf[0] output.jpg <===> prevede PRVNI stranu PDF na JPG
for i in `ls *.pdf`; do convert "$i" "$i".jpg; done <===> To convert multiple PDF files to JPG format in batch mode:
convert -quality 50 input.pdf output.jpg <===> To convert a PDF file to a JPG image with JPEG compression level set to 50:
#<------------------------------- Security Policy ------------------------------->#
pokud se prevod pomoci CONVERT brani je mozne zmenit v konfiguraku viz nize
attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `PDF' @ error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/408
Interestingly enough ImageMagick disables many ghostscript format types. This can be seen in this snippet from
<!-- disable ghostscript format types -->
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" />
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPS" />
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" /> <------- Here!!
<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="XPS" />
Of course I have added the arrow to catch your attention :). Modify this arrowed line to:
<policy domain="coder" rights="read | write" pattern="PDF" />
#<------------------------------------ ------------------------------------>#
ls *.heic -1 | sed -e 's/\.heic$//' | xargs -I {} convert {}.heic {}.jpeg <===> prevede z formatu heic do jpg
convert example.png -resize 200x100 example.png <===> zmensi obrazky na 200x100
convert example.png -resize 200x100! example.png <===> vysledek je PRESNE 200x100
convert howtogeek.png -quality 95 howtogeek.jpg <===> zmensi/zvetsi kvalitu
convert example.png -resize 200 example.png <===> The following command will resize an image to a width of 200
convert example.png -resize x100 example.png <===> The following command will resize an image to a height of 100
convert howtogeek.jpg -rotate 90 howtogeek-rotated.jpg
for file in *.png; do convert $file -rotate 90 rotated-$file; done following command would take all PNG files
in the current directory, rotate them, and save a new copy of each with “rotated-” added to the beginning of each file name.
for file in *.jpg; do convert $file -resize 1920 zmenseny_$file; done <===> zmensi obrazky nalezato na sirku 1920px a ulozi kopie s nazvem {zmenseny_*****.jpg}
for file in *.jpg; do convert $file -quality 80 q80_$file; done <===> snizi kvalitu fotek (na JPEG 80) a ulozi s nazvem {q80_*****.jpg}
import -window root -resize 400x300 -delay 200 screenshot.png <===> tipne automaticky obrazovku z CLI - je mozne nastavit rozliseni, casovou prodlevu
import -screen -delay 100 screenshot.png <===> tipne obrazovku z CLI -je nutno vybrat jakekoli okno a obrazek bude mit velikost vybraneho ramu okna
import -window root -pause 2 -snaps 10 screenshot.png <===> tipne obrazovku z CLI -tipa automaticky po 2 vterinach a udela celkem 10 snimku
import -window root -type Grayscale screenshot.png <===> tipne cernobilou obrazovku z CLI
import -window root -resize 1280x1024 -type Grayscale -pause 5 -snaps 20 /tmp/screenshot.png <===> tipne 20x cernobilou obrazovku o rozliseni 1280x1024 kazdych 5 vterin a ulozi do /tmp