## spousteni exe souboru pod linuxem > vlezu do slozky kde je exe > otevru terminal > napisu wine program.exe
sudo apt install winehq-staging
<===> instalace
<===> spusti v terminalu winefile je to interni prohlizec disku widly, neco jako explorer a v nem pak spoustim veci emulujici woknawinecfg
<===> nastaveni programuwine explorer
<===> prohlizec disku wineconsole
<===> spusti CMD cernou obrazovku ve win
wine --version
<===> zjisti verzi wine
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine32
<===> doinstaluje i 32bit wine
<===> GUI pro wine
# difference between Wine-Staging and Regular Wine, is that Wine-Staging contains some extra packages that are not there in the regular wine and generally
#a lot of people prefer wine-staging over regular wine. With lutris you can even install other versions of wine also like tkg's version of wine (wine-tkg or tkg-wine something)
#that builds on top of wine-staging and in tkg's own words is "plain wine + staging + esync + pba".
#<------------------------------- Installing Wine on Debian 10 ------------------------------->#
##1) Enable 32-Bit Supportsudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
##2) Enabling contrib and non-free Repositoriessudo apt-add-repository contrib
##3) Enable the Debian 10 non-free repositorysudo apt-add-repository non-free
##4) update the APT package repository cachesudo apt update
##5) Installing Winesudo apt install wine wine64 wine32 winbind winetricks
##6) Installing Windows Programs Using Wine
I’ve downloaded 64-bit version of Notepad++ EXE installer from the official website of Notepad++. I will be showing you how to install this program using Wine in this section. You should be able to install other Windows applications the same way. Not every Windows applications work. So, you will have to try and see what works and what does not.
First, navigate to the directory where you have your EXE installer file. In my case, it’s the ~/Downloads directory.
The Notepad++ installer file (npp.7.7.1.Installer.x64.exe) is here as you can see
##7) Now, to start the installer, run wine npp.7.7.1.Installer.x64.exe
## kde vse najdeme
nautilus ~/.wine
nemo ~/.wine
#<------------------------------- UPGRADE WINE ------------------------------->#
## pokud mame starou verzi WINE treba 4.0.2 a nedari se upgrade wine udelame toto (OVERENO FUNGUJE podarilo se dat na pc wine 7.0)
# Didn’t have any Wine upgrades? If so, you likely didn’t install Wine 4.0 from the official WineHQ software repository on Debian, and instead are using the version of Wine included in the “Main” software repository.
# To upgrade to 5.0, follow the step-by-step instructions below.
1) Uninstall the Debian version of Wine using the remove command below.
sudo apt remove wine --purge
2) Uninstall any remaining Wine dependencies on the system using the autoremove command.
sudo apt autoremove
3) Download and add the WineHQ software key to Debian using the wget and apt-key commands.
wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
4) Add the official WineHQ software repository to your Debian Linux PC using the add-apt-repository command.
#pokud mame Debian 9 Stretch
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/ stretch main'
#pokud mame Debian 10 Buster
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/ buster main'
## pokud v tomto bode pc vypise apt-add-repository: příkaz nenalezen tak je potreba pridat balicek "software-properties-common" ale jen v pripade ze to hazi chybu
sudo apt install software-properties-common
5) Run the update command to refresh the software sources on your Debian Linux PC, which will set up the WineHQ repo.
sudo apt-get update
6) Install Wine on your Debian PC to finish up the process.
sudo apt-get install winehq-stable