To check the integrity of the downloaded ISO in Linux, click to download the md5 or sha256 file into the same folder where the ISO is, and use the appropriate action below:

sha256: open a terminal and type: sha256sum <File name of ISO>, then compare with the number above. NOTE: the Snapshots use sha512 instead so change the command accordingly.
Consult the Wiki for other options, including signatures.

#<------------------------------- CLI ------------------------------->#

md5sum soubor.iso <===> vypocita md5 hodnotu souboru
sha1sum soubor.iso <===> vypocita sha1 hodnotu souboru
sha256sum soubor.iso <===> vypocita sha256 hodnotu souboru
sha512sum soubor.iso <===> vypocita sha512 hodnotu souboru

#<------------------------------- Examples ------------------------------->#

sha512 -b /data/app/accnt.xml <===> To print the hash in binary
sha512 "//'SYS2.LOADLIB(XYZMOD)" <===> To print the hash of an MVS data set
echo 'Hi there' | sha512 <===> To print the hash of a string
sha512 -c sums.lst <===> To check all hashes listed in file sums.1st
sha512 -T /app/account.dat <===> To print the hash of a file that is tagged as ASCII

#<------------------------------- GUI ------------------------------->#

md5: right-click the downloaded md5 file > Check data integrity.