lsblk -f <===> zjistime pojmenovani vsech disku v PC

sudo umount /dev/sdX <===> X je pismeno flasky - odmontuje pripadne flesku
sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync <===> zkopirujem ISO na flasku - FUNGUJE

sudo dd bs=4M if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync <===>zkopirujem ISO na flasku + je videt postup nahravani

sudo apt-get install multiboot <===> program multibootcd pro bootovaci flashku a umi i vice distribuci najednou

#<------------------------------- How to make the USB ------------------------------->#

a) A full-featured bootable (Live) USB can be made from an ISO by using MX’s Live USB Maker tool. Users of other Linux distributions can download and run our Live USB Maker appimage right from their current distro to create a full-featured Live MX USB from any standard ISO.

b) Other graphical USB creators that write a Read-Only image of the ISO onto USB (e.g., openSUSE Imagewriter or Mint USB Image Writer) may also be used to create a Live USB, but it will lack the advanced live features available to MX. If you want to create a USB on a Windows base, we suggest you use Rufus, which supports our bootloader.

c) If the graphic USB creators fail, use one of the command line options below as Root. Let us assume your USB is identified as sde (change as needed for your system), then copy and paste the appropriate line for your kernel:
#32 bit kernels:
dd bs=4M if=MX-19_386.iso of=/dev/sde && sync

#64 bit kernels:
dd bs=4M if=MX-19_x64.iso of=/dev/sde && sync

Create a bootable USB

There is one extra step involved here. We use the mkfs command to build the filesystem to our USB before running ‘dd’

Without options, it uses the default ext2 system. So assuming the USB we want to prepare is called ‘sdb’ and we want to change the file system to ext4, we would run the following command

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX  <===> pokud chcete mit na flasce ext4

sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdX  <===> pokud chcete mit na flasce ntfs

Once the bootable medium is prepared, we can continue to our dd command

dd if=someFile.iso of=/dev/sdX

Create .ISO from CD/DVD

You can copy directly from the cd-rom drive if your computer still has one. Earlier I mentioned that the standard byte size of a cd-rom is 2048. We’ll set the byte size to match that to avoid conversion issues and then add a couple other commands

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=space_jam_dvd.iso bs=2048 conv=noerror,sync

Delete data and zero the Disk

 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX  <===> ??vymaze cely disk!! POZOR

Formátování = vytvoření systému souborů. To co chcete, je přerozdělení pevného disku na oddíly (jednotky) a následné "zformátování".

# Pokud chcete získat opravdu "čistý" disk tak:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
# První krok lze vynechat, ale tento ne:
cfdisk /dev/sda
# rozdělíte /dev/sda na oddíly (jednotky)
# Nakonec oddíly (jednotky) "zformátujeme" (vytvoříme na nich systém souborů (např.):
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
mkswap /dev/sda2
# předpokládám rozdělení na dva primární oddíly (jedntoky)