Splitting Windows

Ctrl+Shift+E <===> vertical split
Ctrl+Shift+O <===> horizontal split
Alt+ArrowKeys <===> Navigate terminals
Ctrl+Shift+P <===> focus be active on the previous view
Ctrl+Shift+N <===> focus be active on the next view
Ctrl+Shift+W <===> close the view where the focus is on
Ctrl+Shift+Q <===> exit terminator
Ctrl+Shift+X <===> focus active window and enlarge it
Ctrl+Shift+I <===> Open a new window
Alt+L <===> Open Layout Launcher

Grouping & Broadcasting

Ctrl+G <===> Group All
Ctrl+Shift+G <===> Ungroup All
Super+T <===> Group Tab
Super+Shift+T <===> Ungroup Tab
Alt+A <===> Broadcast to all terminals
Alt+G <===> Broadcast to Grouped terminals
Alt+O <===> Broadcast off
F11 <===> Toggle window to fullscreen
Ctrl+Shift+X <===> Max. current terminal (toggle)
Ctrl+Shift+Z <===> Zoom current terminal (toggle)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A <===> Hide the initial window


Alt+Up <===> Focus on the terminal above
Alt+Dn <===> Focus on the terminal below
Alt+Left <===> Focus on the terminatl left
Alt+Right <===> Focus on the terminal right
Ctrl+Tab <===> Move to next terminal in open window
Ctrl+Shift+Tab <===> Move to previous terminal in open window
Ctrl+PgUp <===> Move to next Tab
Ctrl+PgDn <===> Move to previous Tab


Ctrl+Shift+Right <===> Move parent dragbar Right
Ctrl+Shift+Left <===> Move parent dragbar Left
Ctrl+Shift+Up <===> Move parent dragbar Up
Ctrl+Shift+Down <===> Move parent dragbar Down
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp <===> Swap tab position with next Tab
Ctrl+Shift+PgDn <===> Swap tab position with previous Tab
Super+R <===> Rotate terminal clockwise
Super+Shift+R <===> Rotate terminal counter-clockwise


Ctrl+Shift+C <===> Copy selected text to clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+V <===> Paste clipboard text
Ctrl+Shift+S <===> Hide/Show Scrollbar
Ctrl+Shift+F <===> Search within terminal scrollback
Ctrl+Shift+R <===> Reset terminal state
Ctrl+Shift+G <===> Reset terminal state and clear window
Ctrl+Plus <===> Increase font size
Ctrl+Minus <===> Decrease font size
Ctrl+Zero <===> Restore font size to original settings
Ctrl+Alt+W <===> Rename window title
Ctrl+Alt+A <===> Rename tab title
Ctrl+Alt+X <===> Rename terminal title
Super+1 <===> Insert terminal number
Super+0 <===> Insert padded terminal number
Ctrl+Shift+T <===> Open new tab