#<------------------------------- Distra vhodná na hry ------------------------------->#

Garuda Linux (Arch)

Nobara (Fedora)

Ubuntu (Debian) a jejich odnože (Linux Mint)

#<------------------------------- Proton / STEAM ------------------------------->#

Steam Play is a service that allows users to play games that were made to run on Windows machines and get them running on Linux using a modified version of WINE called PROTON

1) sudo apt update
2) sudo apt upgrade
3) sudo apt install steam
4) spustit STEAM
5) vytvorit ucet / prihlasit se k uctu
6) pokud je problem s nalezenim package steam E: Unable to locate package steam napisu: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse (?? nevim zda to je jen pro Ubuntu/PoPOS)

#<------------------------------- OpenArena ------------------------------->#

## do konsole se leze smacknutim tilda (~)
## pokud chceme videt FPS (frames per second) behem hrani staci zadat do konsole toto
\cg_drawfps 1

nekdy je nutne \cg_drawFPS 1

## pokud uz nechceme videt FPS zadame
\cg_drawfps 0

#<------------------------------- Starcraft ------------------------------->#
Yes, I like old school StarCraft and have been having a few issues getting it to run without hassles so I have decided just to post my solution here so that it may help somebody else.

Firstly I had it running okay using wine, but it had issues when I would exit my screen would get stuck at 640x480 resolution and would have this little block of a desktop in the corner.

This was okay as I could just restart and everything is fine. There are however issues with not rendering properly (but still usable) and then the final nail in the coffin was some Linux update that totally screwed up game performance and it started to lag like crazy. Wine out of the window.

Next option was to dual boot with Windows 7, however Windows 7 doesn't like this legacy game too much either and after getting the graphics to work with a hack I found it ran perfectly until... I pressed the Windows key by accident and couldn't get back in to a 2 hour online session (when restoring the window it was just black). Windows dual boot out the window.

I now have merged the two methods and its working great - running it in a virtual machine. This may sound obvious, but running it straight out of Virtualbox won't have the desired effect as it won't be able to change resolutions and you will have a little 640x480 window in the middle of the screen.

There is however a command line option which is part of Virtualbox called VBoxSDL in which you can set custom parameters. This saved the day.

So the best solution for me is:

1. Install VirtualBox.
2. Install Windows XP as a new virtual machine called "Windows XP" in VBox and install Vbox Guest Additions.
3. Install StarCraft on the Windows XP VM.
4. Shut down the VM.
5. Create new menu launcher in Linux (you can use alacarte for Gnome distros) and call it "StarCraft (VirtualBox)"
6. For the launcher command, enter:

VBoxSDL --hostkey 96 0 --fullscreen -vm "Windows XP"

7. Add pretty icon, save launcher and run it.
8. Start StarCraft and enjoy!
9. You can also just run the above command from the command line, but it's much more convenient having a launcher icon.

The "--hostkey 96 0" parameter will make your virtualbox host key a tilde (~), the hostkey is used for certain virtualbox functions like switching between fullscreen (hostkey + f).

I have also set up StarCraft in the start up program group in Windows, so it automatically loads when I run the VM.

Hope somebody finds this useful and this method can probably be used as a solution for a good few legacy games that don't run so well in Wine (and require resolution switching).


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