sudo apt-get install apache2

/var/www/html <===> cesta k defaultni strance APACHE / funguje pod MX
/var/lib/www <===> nutno overit
/usr/local <===> nutno overit

By default, Debian does not allow access through the web browser to any file apart of those located in /var/www, public_html directories (when enabled) and /usr/share (for web applications). If your site is using a web document root located elsewhere (such as in /srv) you may need to whitelist your document root directory in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.

The default Debian document root is /var/www/html. You can make your own virtual hosts under /var/www. This is different to previous releases which provides better security out of the box.


lze take spustit pres python
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

sudo apt search libapache2-mod <===> vypíše seznam modu pro apache2

sudo apt install libapache2-mod-python <===> donahraje mod pro podporu pythonu v apache

a2enmod <===> ukáže seznam modulu ktere muzte enablovat/zapnout

a2dismod <===>vyberete ktery modul chcete disablovat/vypnout

vzdy je nutne pak apache restartovat systemctl restart apache2