sudo apt-get install nfs4-acl-tools acl
getfacl /slozka
<===> muzete nahlizet, kdo ma jake opravneni ve slozkce /slozka a to jak uzivatel tak i skupinagetfacl --access /share | setfacl -d -M- /data
<===> zkopiruje ty same vlastnosti(opravneni) ze slozky /share na slozku /datagetfacl foo | setfacl -S - bar
<===> To copy the ACL from file foo such that the file bar will have the same ACL
setfacl -m u:franta:rwx /data
<===> vsechna opravneni pro uzivatele franta pro slozku /data /**/ -m option (short for --modify) setfacl -m u:franta:--- /data
<===> zadne opravneni pro uzivatele franta pro slozku /datasetfacl -m g:IT:rwx /share
<===> povolit r,w,x skupine IT ve slozce /sharesetfacl -m mask:r text.cfg
<===> set the mask to allow only reading permissions.setfacl -d -m u:dummy:rw test
<===> assign default ACL to it by using the -d optionsetfacl -b /data
<===> By now just remember that if you want to remove all the ACLs permissions assigned to a file, you just have to run setfacl with the -b (short for --remove-all) option.setfacl -D e *
<===> To delete all of the extended ACL entries for all files and directories in the current working directorysetfacl -x user:user3,d:user:user3,f:user:user3 *
<===> To delete all of the extended ACL entries for user user3 for all files and directories in the current directory:
tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
<===> check if the filesystem is mounted with acl support