Network Modes

Basically, wireless networks can be classified into three network modes:

Managed Mode (Infrastructure Mode), via Access Point
Managed networks have a managing element: the access point. In this mode (also referred to as infrastructure mode), all connections of the WLAN stations in the network run through the access point, which may also serve as a connection to an ethernet. To make sure only authorized stations can connect, various authentication mechanisms (WPA, etc) are used.

Ad-hoc Mode (Peer-to-Peer Network)
Ad-hoc networks do not have an access point. The stations communicate directly with each other, therefore an ad-hoc network is usually faster than a managed network. However, the transmission range and number of participating stations are greatly limited in ad-hoc networks. They also do not support WPA authentication. If you intend to use WPA security, you should not use Ad-Hoc_Mode.

Master Mode
In master mode your network card is used as the access point. It works only if your WLAN card supports this mode.

iwconfig wlan0 essid nazev-wifi-site <===> pripoji se na ssid nazev-wifi-site

nmcli dev status <===> vypise vsechna sitove zarizeni + vidime ktera a kam jsou pripojena
nmcli dev show {wlan0} <===> podrobne uzitecne info o wifine
nmcli dev wifi list ifname wlp12s0 <===> zobrazí seznam dostupných přístupových bodů konkretni wifi karty
nmcli dev wifi list <===> zobrazí seznam dostupných přístupových bodů
nmcli dev wifi connect {SSID} <===> připojí se k síti Wi-Fi určené daným SSID

wpa_cli status <===> podrobne info o wifine

dBm – Decibel Milliwatts
RSSI – Received Signal Strength Indicator
mW – milliwatts
AP – Access Point (Wi-Fi Access-point)
SSID – service set identifier
ANSI – American National Standards Institute
CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access
GPS – Global Positioning System
LTE – Long Term Evolution
Wi-Fi – Wireless Local Area Network.
WLAN – Short for Wireless LAN
20 MHz – Wi-Fi frequencies band
5MHz – Wi-Fi frequencies band

Ad-Hoc – Also known as MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network). In this mode all nodes are connected to each other with no infrastructure, in a self-configuring topology (e.g. mesh networking.)
Managed – There is at least one, probably more, Access Points. A device would be able to traverse between Access Points as it moves physically (a.k.a. roaming.)
Master – In this mode, the device operates as an Access Point
Repeater – The node forwards packets between other nodes on the network (e.g. to extend the coverage area for a wireless network)
Secondary – The node acts as a backup master/repeater
Monitor – The node is not associated with any cell and passively monitors all packets on the operating frequency.

Wi-Fi security methods, ordered from best to worst:

WPA + TKIP/AES (TKIP is there as a fallback method)
Open Network (no security at all)

Ideally, you’ll disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) and set your router to WPA2 + AES. Everything else on the list is a less than ideal step down from that. Once you get to WEP, your security level is so low, it’s about as effective as a chain link fence—the fence exists simply to say “hey, this is my property” but anyone who actually wanted in could just climb right over it.