lpinfo -v

lpstat -a <===> vypíše seznam tiskáren
lpoptions <===> vypíše volby tisku
lpoptions -d samsungm2020series <===> nastaví výchozí tiskárnu samsungm2020series
cancel JOB-ID <===> zruší tisk úlohy č.
lprm JOB-ID <===> zruší tisk úlohy č.

lp filename <===> pomoci prikazu lp vytiskne soubor
lp -P printer filename <===> CUPS will attempt to send this print job to your default printer. You can specify a particular printer
lpoptions -d printer <===> to change your default printer
lp -o landscape -o fit-to-page -o media=A4 filename.jpg <===> You can specify various options for your print job

HP LaserJet 1018

http://localhost:631 <===> webove rozhrani nastaveni tiskarny HP
sudo hp-setup <===> nastaveni tiskarny
sudo hp-pluin <===> asi prida pluginy // error: The device you are trying to setup requires a binary plug-in. Some functionalities may not work as expected without plug-ins. Please run 'hp-plugin' as normal user to install plug-ins. Visit http://hplipopensource.com or https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/ for more infomation.