LAMP and WAMP are generic terms for any Apache web server, MySQL database, and Perl or PHP or Python language, based system.
XAMPP is a specific software package that contains all the elements of an *AMP system in a single package. There are several packages like this (WampServer to name one).
sudo /opt/lampp/
<===> cesta ke spusteni lampp
How to Install LAMP Stack in Linux
nutno odzkouset tento postup
We must install Apache web server, MySQL, and PHP to set up LAMP Stack in Linux. Before proceeding to see all the step-by-step process directly. Let's first check all the prerequisites to install the LAMP stack in Linux.
1) grep -E '^(VERSION|NAME)=' /etc/os-release
<===> Checking Linux Distribution
2) sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
<===> will update all the packages to the latest versions and apt upgrade will download and install the required packages
3) sudo apt install apache2 -y
<===> Installing Apache Web Server
4) sudo systemctl enable apache2
<===> systemctl command to manage all Apache servers
5) sudo service apache2 start
<===> ??? init command to manage all Apache servers
6) apache2 -v
<===> verify Apache Web Server installation
7) sudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client
<===> Install MariaDB using the package manager
8) sudo systemctl start mariadb
<===> Start required services for MariaDB using systemctl command
9) sudo systemctl enable mariadb
<===> Start required services for MariaDB using systemctl command
10) mysql --version
<===> verify MySQL installation
11) sudo apt install php -y
<===> Installing PHP
12) php --version
<===> verify php installation
13) sudo apt install phpmyadmin
<===> instalace phpmyadmin /
v prohlížeči zadáme http://localhost a mel by najet apache
pozor nejspíše nefunguje s https:// nutno oveřit
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