mkfs <===> Tool to build a Linux or other supported filesystem, such as: ext2/3/4, reiserfs, btrfs, xfs, jfs, ntfs, fat, and more
fsck <===> Utility to check and repair the supported filesystems (see above)
blkid <===> vypise tzv. UUID kazdeho disku
lsblk -f <===> zobrazi info o discich vcetne jejich UUID
lsblk <===> Vypis blokovych zarizeni jako je sda, sdb, sdc
lsblk -o name,mountpoint,size,uuid <===> vypise pripojne body disku, jeho velikost a UUID
file -sL /dev/sda3 <===> vypise zajimave info o partisne // file command identifies file type, the -s flag enables reading of block or character files and -L enables following of symlinks:

lsblk -o +SCHED,RM,FSTYPE <===> vypise u FileSystem HDD
lsblk -S <===> Sikovne - zjisti Model a typ /**/ If you are looming to get a list of SCSI devices only

#<------------------------------------ ------------------------------------>#

#### How to add a new hard disk or partition using UUID and ext4 filesystem:
# 1. Figure out the device name for the new device
# fdisk -l
# 2. Next we’ll partion the new disk using the following command
# cfdisk /dev/sdb
# 3. Format the new disk using the ext4 filessystem
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
# 4. You need to create a new directory where the disk will be mounted in the filesystem // You can name the folder whatever your want and place it in a subfolder of another mounting point, for example /var/disk2
# mkdir /mnt/disk2
# 5. It’s preferred to use the device UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) instead of directly linking to the device path because while UUID always stays the same, the device path may change. This is how we find the UUID:
# blkid
# 6. Add the new disk/partition to fstab to automatically mount it on boot
# echo "UUID=356d80df-f17a-49f6-ab13-df41bf356de7 /mnt/disk2 ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1" >> /etc/fstab
# 7. Manually mount the disk (you can also reboot the machine and it will be automatically mounted)
# mount /mnt/disk2
# Now your new hard disk is mounted and ready to use.

#<------------------------------------ ------------------------------------>#
# Summary of FileSystem linux /**/ seznam filesystemu v linuxu MX

?? exfat
?? hfs
?? hfs+
?? lvm2 pv
?? nilfs2
?? udf

I am tring to create random 1G test file via dd command.

dd status=progress if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/testfile.zer bs=100M count=10
dd status=progress if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/testfile1.ran bs=100M count=10
dd status=progress if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/testfile2.ran bs=100M count=20

$ dd status=progress if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null bs=100M count=20 iflag=fullblock
2097152000 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 8 s, 255 MB/s 
20+0 records in
20+0 records out
2097152000 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 8.22914 s, 255 MB/s

Rychlost mazani HDD v NTB pomoci dd if=/dev/zero
6GB za cca 24min (4MB /s)

TUNE2FS / e2label / ntfslabel

Prikazye2label a tune2fs funguji pouze na ext2, ext3, ext4 ale pro NTFS je potreba pouzit prikaz ntfslabel  //will work fine for ext2, ext3, and ext4 formatted partition - To label a partition that’s been formatted as NTFS, you will need to use the ntfslabel instead.

sudo tune2fs -L "MY_BACKUP" /dev/sda5 <===> pojmenuje partisnu sda5 jmenem MY_BACKUP
tune2fs <===> Allows the adjustment of various tunable filesystem parameters on Linux ext2, ext3, or ext4 filesystems

sudo e2label /dev/sda5 "MY_BACKUP" <===> pojmenuje partisnu sda5 jmenem MY_BACKUP

sudo ntfslabel /dev/sda5 NTFS_DRIVE <===> pojmenuje partisnu sda5 jmenem NTFS_DRIVE (pouze u NTFS filesystemu)