A GitHub repository is comprised of folders containing files such as the all-important source code files. Usually, there are many other types of files in the repository. There might be documentation files, man pages, software license files, build instructions and shell script files. There are no rules regarding what a repository should or must contain, but there are conventions.
It's traditional to include a readme file in a repository. It might be called readme, Readme, or README. It might have an extension of ".md" or no extension at all.
GitHub automatically puts the contents of the readme file on the front page of the repository. If the readme file has a ".md" extension, it will contain Markdown markup language. This allows the developers to use style elements, such as fonts, bullet points, and images.
Typically, a readme file has sections that tell you what the project is about, what the type license is, who maintains the project, how to get involved, and how to build and run the application.
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