#<------------------------------- Distra vhodná na hry ------------------------------->#

Garuda Linux (Arch)

Nobara (Fedora)

Ubuntu (Debian) a jejich odnože (Linux Mint)

#<------------------------------- Proton / STEAM ------------------------------->#

Steam Play is a service that allows users to play games that were made to run on Windows machines and get them running on Linux using a modified version of WINE called PROTON

1) sudo apt update
2) sudo apt upgrade
3) sudo apt install steam
4) spustit STEAM
5) vytvorit ucet / prihlasit se k uctu
6) pokud je problem s nalezenim package steam E: Unable to locate package steam napisu: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse (?? nevim zda to je jen pro Ubuntu/PoPOS)

#<------------------------------- OpenArena ------------------------------->#

## do konsole se leze smacknutim tilda (~)
## pokud chceme videt FPS (frames per second) behem hrani staci zadat do konsole toto
\cg_drawfps 1

nekdy je nutne \cg_drawFPS 1

## pokud uz nechceme videt FPS zadame
\cg_drawfps 0