How to Mount VirtualBox Disk Image (VDI) to Access VM File-System
1) vboximg-mount --list
<===> vypisu seznam vsech VM v systemu - docela detailni / vboximg-mount is a utility to make VBox disk images available to the host. With --list, it list all Disk Images as well as the UUID.
2) mkdir vbox_sysdisk
<===> create a folder as mount point, vbox_sysdisk for instance
3) vboximg-mount -i 37b5fd81-fd56-45af-a4d2-98cd62b22ea3 -o allow_root vbox_sysdisk
<===> Then mount it via command (remember to change the UUID to yours)
You may need to edit the “/etc/fuse.conf” to make the -o allow_root flag work. To do so, run command sudo gedit /etc/fuse.conf and enable (remove # at its beginning) “user_allow_other” line.
4)sudo mount vbox_sysdis/vol4 /mnt
<===> As the previous picture shows, I have 5 disk partitions: vol0, vol1, …, vol4. Now mount either partition (vol4 for instance) to /mnt via command
Finally go to /mnt directory and there you are
sudo umount /mnt
<===> To un-mount the guest os file system
umount ~/vbox_sysdisk
<===> To un-mount the VBox disk image
rm -r ~/vbox_sysdisk
<===> And you may finally remove that folder either from file manager or by running command in terminal
sudo adduser $USER vboxusers
<===> mel by pridat uzivatele do sklupiny vboxusers aby bylo v VirtualBoxu videt USB
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