mkfs <===> Tool to build a Linux or other supported filesystem, such as: ext2/3/4, reiserfs, btrfs, xfs, jfs, ntfs, fat, and more
fsck <===> Utility to check and repair the supported filesystems (see above)
blkid <===> vypise tzv. UUID kazdeho disku
lsblk -f <===> zobrazi info o discich vcetne jejich UUID
lsblk <===> Vypis blokovych zarizeni jako je sda, sdb, sdc
lsblk -o name,mountpoint,size,uuid <===> vypise pripojne body disku, jeho velikost a UUID
file -sL /dev/sda3 <===> vypise zajimave info o partisne // file command identifies file type, the -s flag enables reading of block or character files and -L enables following of symlinks:

lsblk -o +SCHED,RM,FSTYPE <===> vypise u FileSystem HDD
lsblk -S <===> Sikovne - zjisti Model a typ /**/ If you are looming to get a list of SCSI devices only