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Server Address:

Diaeresis německo?? admin serveru Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

Keihdra, Romania žena??

Billr, Tampa Florida USA, kamaráda Honzu má z čech

Niceride, Tahoe Baxin Nevada/California USA,  Shadow AI6FS@bridge, drak Mugatu,

PeterisU1, latvian, ma syna Edgars00 (8let) Litva
Slave1 stejnej jako PeterisU1 / {Slave1} I am sorry Keihdra if you did not knew i am PeterisU1
kuka: zrejme ten samej hrac co je PeterisU1
sami88super je nejspise syn peterise

Moggy_Manacat [base 674,3,1638].. (247,32,2005)

ES [base -4452,216,2511]

Cash I'm American, my parents are Haitian though so


Hoff, Pennsylvania, [base 50,11,552] hraje 10 let, na serveru YourLand ma nick DrakeSlayer

marghl nemecko?

dark-knight from asia, programer, adult, bangladesh

Gold: Portugese

EvilRevised: zrejme nemecko

godslayer i use to play as SEBAASTAIN [base 2082,4,2409]

ninja9 [base 1927,12,2541]

Kaiser [base -478,179,757]

McNaderz im justa meat cutter (-2806,-1098,-235) (-2816,-1091,-229) (-2820,-1090,-230) (-2814,-316,-257)
2024_09_21, 22:10:25  *** McNaderz is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!

LogyBear is one of kids - he is still learning to read
piplupman is the other
nyanava wont be on for 2 more weeks
dad owns his own construction company

DEadman227 (-2741,-956,-210) (-2734,-576,-210) zrejme bratr McNaderz
2024_09_21, 03:29:48 *** DEadman227 is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!

dkelley810, base (-1302,6,357) real name Dennis Kelley

Supercheese (aka underscore)
TripleR nejspise stejny hrac jako underscore
2024_12_23, 04:13:55 - 🤖: [Mt] <!> *** TripleR is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!
underscore [base (683,28,-1696)] nejspise stejny hrac jako TripleR
RvnsRndrRnch nejspise stejny hrac jako underscore
2024_12_23, 04:07:38 *** RvnsRndrRnch is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!

Mototank aka Moto aka Takamoto
vsechno jeden hrac

CryptCreeper (888,4,818)

MaschinenGuru2, nemecko base nejspis (-2004,-862,721) 

2024_12_01, 10:51:08 *** Ozmodiar is joining for the first time! Welcome to Centeria!




minetest --server <===> spusti server s defaultnim svetem (~/.minetest/worlds/world)
minetest --server --worldname MichaluvSvet <===> spusti svet nahrany v (~/.minetest/worlds/MichaluvSvet)
minetest --server --help <===> spusti help pro minetest server
minetest --server --config ~/.minetest/minetest2.conf<===> spusti MT s jinymi configuraky nez jsou bezne tj nespusti minetest.conf ale minetest2.conf
minetest --speedtests <===> vypis o serveru
minetest --terminal<===> spusti server MT kde lze zadavat prikazy z terminalove radky CLI
minetest --server --worldname MichaluvSvet --config ~/.minetest/minetest2.conf --terminal<===> spusti MT server vse v jednom

teleport @nearest -1265.1, 15.5, 512.2
@nearest, @farthest, and @random are placed by the the respective player names


/help all <===> dostupne prikazy/help all

/shutdown <===> schodi server
/admin <===> ukaze kdo je admin tohoto serveru
/status <===> zjisti verzi MT, uptime, max-lag, kolik hracu je ve hre
/days <===> zjisti kolik dni uplynulo ve hre
/mods <===> zjisti jake mody jsou nahrane
/set <variable> <===> Shows the value of the given server <variable> (→minetest.conf)
/set <variable> <new value> <===> Sets the existing server <variable> to the given <new value>
/time 7:00 <===> nastavim server (cas ve hre) primo na 7hod rano (0:00-23:59)
/time 6000 <===>  nastavim server (cas ve hre) primo na 6hod rano (0-24000)
/set -n time_speed <speed> <===>  Sets the speed of day/night cycle where <speed> is the time speed (read as “<speed> times faster than in real life”). 72 is the default, which means a day-night cycle lasts 20 minutes by default. Requires the “server” privilege
revoke Michal fly <===>  melo by odebrat prava Michal k letani
revoke Michal all <===>  melo by odebrat VSECHNA prava uzivateli Michal
revokeme fly <===>  melo by mi odebrat prava k letani
revokeme all <===>  melo by mi odebrat VSECHNA prava
deleteblocks here 9 <===>  v okruhu 9 bloku odemne ZRESETUJE prostredi do standardniho vzhledu (zasype vykopane jamy , postaven veci atd)


You just need to put the mods into the mods directory (`~/.minetest/mods` for system-wide installs, `<mtdir>/mods` for run-in-place builds).

You then need to enable them by editing `<worlddir>/`. If you have a mod named `foo`, then you add the following line to ``:

load_mod_foo = true

Alternatively, install the mods into `<worlddir>/worldmods` and they will be available automatically without the need to enable them individually.





utilita na nákres (po jednotlivých vrstvách), jak vymodelovat kouli v minetestu


Editing the server settings:
In order to customise the server you need to change the settings. Just copy these settings into your minetest.config file and set them to what you like.

server_announce = true <===> Do you want the server will appear on the public server list at

server_name = Minetest Server <===> What do you want the name of the server to be?

server_address = *** <===> The address of the server. You can leave this blank unless you are using a sub-domain or a domain.