<===> spusti Terminal/KonzoliShift+Insert
<===> Pastes text into a terminal.
<===> Suspend the current foreground process running in terminalCTRL+C
<===> Kill the current foreground process running in terminalCTRL+L
<===> Vymaže vse na strance (jako CLEAR)CTRL+D
<===> Delete the character at the cursor locationCTRL+U
<===> Cuts text up until the cursor.CTRL+K
<===> Cuts text from the cursor until the end of the line.CTRL+Y
<===> Pastes text.CTRL+E
<===> Moves the cursor to the end of the line.CTRL+A
<===> Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.CTRL+N
<===> Go to the next command in the command historyCTRL+P
<===> Go to the previous command in the command historyCTRL+W
<===> Cuts the word behind the cursor.ALT+F
<===> Jumps forward to the next space.ALT+B
<===> Skips back to the previous space.ALT+Backspace
<===> Deletes the previous word.
<===> správce sezení v terminálu
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